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Diferenciarse ante sus empleados: la clave para la retención

Dr. Ernest Baskin, Associate Professor of Food Marketing at St. Joseph's University
Dr. Ernest Baskin, Associate Professor of Food Marketing at St. Joseph's University


As many companies look for ways to attract and retain talent during the Great Resignation, they need to put a renewed focus on organizational culture and employee morale. Dr. Ernest Baskin, Associate Professor of Food Marketing at St. Joseph’s University, talks about why businesses should focus on a positive company culture, the importance of treating your employees like family, why managers should be in the trenches, and more.

Read more about the importance of company culture.

Find out how to build a culture for your remote team.


00:44 – The work of Dr. Ernest Baskin

02:55 – Finding and retaining talent: Is money the answer?

05:44 – A new breed of employees: all about incentives

06:46 – Retaining current employees

09:12 – The importance of building a culture

11:21 – Why managers should integrate with employees

15:35 – Implementing a feedback system

16:46 – Modeling your company culture

18:26 – Where to find employees