Standing Out to Your Employees: The Key to Retention

Podcast •

As many companies look for ways to attract and retain talent during the Great Resignation, they need to put a renewed focus on organizational culture and employee morale. Dr. Ernest Baskin, Associate Professor of Food Marketing at St. Joseph’s University, talks about why businesses should focus on a positive company culture, the importance of treating your employees like family, why managers should be in the trenches, and more.
Topics include:
00:44 – The work of Dr. Ernest Baskin
02:55 – Finding and retaining talent: Is money the answer?
05:44 – A new breed of employees: all about incentives
06:46 – Retaining current employees
09:12 – The importance of building a culture
11:21 – Why managers should integrate with employees
15:35 – Implementing a feedback system
16:46 – Modeling your company culture
18:26 – Where to find employees
Read more about the importance of company culture.
Find out how to build a culture for your remote team.