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PEO Solutions for Businesses in Texas

  • Professional Employer Organization (PEO)
  • Artículo
  • Lectura de 6 minutos
  • Last Updated: 08/20/2024

Profesional de recursos humanos trabajando con un cliente de PEO

Table of Contents

Texas certainly corners the market on big, ranking second in economy1 and population with nearly 30 million residents, of which 15-plus million are in the employment pool.2 Texas also has one of the most-consistent performing metros for job growth in Dallas.3

Texas provides a wealth of opportunities for its 3.2 million small businesses that employ a little more than 44% of people in the state. That’s 5 million employees to administer to, so even in the pro-business environment of the Lone Star State, there still are requirements for your business. Navigating this HR landscape not only takes time away from focusing on your business, but if done incorrectly, could lead to penalties and fines.

Another way to look at the time element involved is this: 64% of companies said they spend more than 570 hours a year on HR administration, and annual pending for businesses can be as high as $350,000 annually.4

Let’s look at Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) and how these services can help businesses be more efficient while saving time and money.

Why Work With a PEO in Texas?

A PEO supports HR, payroll, benefits, compliance, risk management, and more. This arrangement is often referred to as co-employment. A business and a PEO establish responsibilities in the relationship, with the PEO helping support the HR responsibilities associated with payroll processing, employee benefits administration, workplace safety, and compliance maintenance. Employers continue to oversee managing employees. If you don’t have an HR team, a PEO can add value to your business by supporting whoever manages your HR function and it can also offer support to your HR staff.

More and more businesses continue to move to Texas to take advantage of its low tax rates and a diverse economy that includes advanced manufacturing, aerospace and aviation, energy, information and technology, and construction. The state boasts the nation’s largest transportation network of roads, rails, airports, and seaports. These businesses want a stable workforce, and in a competitive hiring market business owners could benefit from the reduced turnover, best-in-class benefits, and retention strategies that a PEO helps to provide. Businesses working with a PEO experience 20% less turnover, according to a report by the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO).5

How Can Paychex Help Your Business Gain Efficiencies and Insights?

With an all-in-one HR technology platform that can simplify tasks, create efficiencies through employee access to update personal, payroll, and benefits information, and enhance communication, Paychex HR PEO* can help facilitate:

  • HR administration: Gain ground in a tight labor market with an improved process around recruitment and retention, not to mention training and development, and even handbook development.
  • Payroll processing: Save time and gain peace of mind knowing that errors are being mitigated, and with payroll tax calculation and remittance your company has help to stay compliant.
  • Employee benefits: Our PEO saves you time by vetting benefits packages with carriers and gives your business access to Fortune 500-type retirement plans and health insurance offerings to help you stay competitive for talent.
  • Risk management: Your business will have a dedicated safety specialist to provide updates on federal OSHA regulations and training that can help reduce worksite risks for your employees.
  • Compliance: Gain insights from a dedicated HR Professional who can help you stay current on local, state, and federal laws and regulations; COBRA; minimum wage requirements, and more, as well as offer actionable HR advice.

The advantages of working with a PEO stem beyond HR administrative support. Consider the potential growth and increased productivity your company could experience, and the peace of mind you can gain.

FAQ: Fact vs. Fiction About PEO

  • Myth: I Will Lose Control Over My Business With a PEO.

    Myth: I Will Lose Control Over My Business With a PEO.

    A PEO could provide you with greater control of your HR functions with access to advanced HR analytics tools, compliance support and guidance, and employee self-service features. PEO services also can help you reduce the risk of costly fines and penalties associated with noncompliance. Plus, while the PEO helps with your HR administration, you can gain time to focus on high-level business priorities.

  • Myth: PEOs Limit My Benefit Options.

    Myth: PEOs Limit My Benefit Options.

    A PEO could offer more competitive benefits and can save you time if it vets benefit packages directly with the carriers. The collective buying power of a PEO might also help lower the costs. Paychex HR PEO has a variety of benefit options, including 401(k) administration with single employer plans, Multiple Employer Plans (MEP), and Pooled Employer Plan (PEP) options. Health and medical benefits include full health insurance, minimum essential coverage, and part-time coverage.

  • Myth: PEOs Won’t Save Me Money.

    Myth: PEOs Won’t Save Me Money.

    By offering competitive benefits and streamlining your HR administration, a PEO can help save you money. According to a 2019 analysis from NAPEO, you can save as much as $1,775 per employee per year, while the support you receive might be able to help your business avoid costly fines or even a lawsuit.5

1 USAFacts, state of Texas

2 U.S. Census Bureau, 2024 

3 Paychex Small Business Employment Watch, July 2024 

4 2024 Priorities for Business Leaders, Paychex

5 The ROI of Using a PEO, NAPEO

*Professional employer organization (PEO) services provided by Paychex Business Solutions, LLC (Florida employee leasing license GL7), Oasis Outsourcing, LLC (Florida employee leasing license GL42), and their affiliates, which are licenses or registered to provide PEO services where required by law. 


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Considering how a PEO might benefit your business in Texas? Let Paychex help.

* Este contenido es solo para fines educativos, no tiene por objeto proporcionar asesoría jurídica específica y no debe utilizarse en sustitución de la asesoría jurídica de un abogado u otro profesional calificado. Es posible que la información no refleje los cambios más recientes en la legislación, la cual podrá modificarse sin previo aviso y no se garantiza que esté completa, correcta o actualizada.

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