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DEI: Corporate Checklist? Or Shared Goals? (Part 2)

Stacey Gordon, Diversity strategist and best-selling author
Stacey Gordon, Diversity strategist and best-selling author



How can companies shift from seeing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as a checklist of “extra” HR responsibilities to embracing it as a new lens to view workplace culture? In this continuing conversation, diversity strategist and best-selling author Stacey A. Gordon discusses how HR leaders can maintain forward focus on DEI goals, and offers her insights on why there’s no such thing as diversity recruiting.

What recruiting strategies can strengthen the diversity of your workforce? Learn more at with our article "Diversity Recruiting Strategies that Strengthen Your Workforce."  


2:05 - 4As: Awareness, alignment, action, advocacy

2:27 - Don’t look backward on past DEI

4:14 - Why awareness drives action

6:14 - Why the "Great Resignation" is a "Re-Evaluation"

10:12 - How can smaller companies implement DEI?

13:53 - New stats suggest DEI is a measure of viability

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