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  • Last Updated: 04/17/2015

6 Benefits of Moving Your Business Applications to the Cloud

aplicaciones comerciales en la nube
Business applications are increasingly moving to the cloud. Here's a closer look at six benefits, ranging from costs savings to enhanced security, that are driving this strategic decision.

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Business applications are increasingly moving to the cloud. It’s the next generation of how enterprise-level programs are being designed and deployed. But for medium and larger businesses, it’s important to understand not only the benefits but also how quality cloud-services providers are mitigating serious concerns such as security issues. Here’s a closer look at six factors to keep in mind when developing a plan to migrate your business applications to the cloud.

Increased Mobility, Flexibility, and Efficiency

Today’s workforce is increasingly on the move. Whether it’s your executives on the road to client sites or manufacturing staff that doesn’t have access to a computer during the day, mobile devices are becoming an essential point of business contact. Cloud-based applications allow your managers and professional staff to access information and complete tasks from any mobile device, no matter where they’re physically located. Line employees are able to access benefits information, submit time-off requests, and process time and attendance data right from their smartphones. Mobile optimization offers enhanced mobility, flexibility, and efficiency.

Improved Security Measures

A common misconception about cloud-based applications is that they’re less secure than server-based programs. In reality, the opposite is true. Locally hosted software leaves your business vulnerable to issues such as viruses, data loss, identity theft, intellectual property theft, and more. Data breaches and problems that cause business interruptions are a real concern for companies hosting and managing their own business applications. Downtime in essential software such as payroll systems, time and attendance, and recruiting software can have devastating consequences for your business. A cloud-based solution provides significant security protections that protect software integrity and company data, such as safeguarding information with a firewall to prevent intrusion.

Enhanced Speed and Reliability

Cloud-based applications tend to run faster than their locally hosted counterparts, saving your team valuable time. Optimized data storage lowers storage costs, while also increasing the speed at which information can be accessed and changed. Cloud-software providers use redundant sites to support enhanced software performance. Redundancy increases reliability and minimizes downtime and business interruption.

Storage Capabilities and Ease to Scale

Over time, your organization may generate a significant amount of data. Offsite hosting and cloud-based applications help optimize your storage capabilities while minimizing storage costs. With cloud-based business applications, you typically pay for the space you use. It is simple to increase or decrease as your business needs change. If you need to scale up due to an influx of employees or business changes such as a merger/acquisition, it’s easy to scale by adding users and expanding storage needs without the expense of purchasing new hardware and burdening staff.

Cost Savings

Cloud-based applications offer businesses significant cost savings. One cost savings comes in the form of hardware, as cloud software eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive servers. Staff costs also go down, as your IT staff is no longer required to update, maintain, and troubleshoot software-related issues. Finally, the cost of cloud applications tends to be lower and companies can avoid the need to purchase and install annual upgrade packages in order for software to stay current. Instead, updates happen automatically as part of ongoing cloud-based software service.

Highly Customizable

Business applications in the cloud can be configured for your company’s unique needs. Whether it’s programming your applicant tracking system to support your unique recruiting path or setting specific parameters to meet your company’s payroll needs, today’s cloud-based software is easy to mold to your business’ specific needs.


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