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  • Last Updated: 09/19/2016

How Millennials Are Helping Drive the Shift to Cloud-Based Applications

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Each new generation of workers brings fresh ideas and an innovative perspective on technology. Millennials are helping to drive the shift toward cloud-based applications, among other technology trends. Here are a few reasons why.

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Each new generation of workers brings fresh ideas and an innovative perspective on technology. Millennials (people born approximately between 1980 and 1999) are no different. This generation grew up with the internet, smart phones, and digital communication. They're accustomed to finding answers to questions with only a few keystrokes. As such, this young generation of workers is helping to drive the shift toward cloud-based applications. Here are a few reasons why:

They're Comfortable with the Cloud

If you've seen the movie Creed, you may remember a scene where young boxer Adonis Johnson mentions storing information in the "cloud", only to have a confused Rocky Balboa respond by asking "what cloud?" as he looks at the sky. This example, while exaggerated, illustrates the generational differences in their perceptions of cloud computing. Millennials tend to understand the functionality and capabilities of cloud-based applications, whereas those workers used to earlier technology may not immediately grasp how cloud technology works. The Millennials' comfort with the cloud, and the data security that comes with it, are two reasons why many companies are now considering moving their sensitive data to cloud-based applications.

Cloud-based applications offering remote access and instant updates provide adopters the information they need instantly, wherever a wireless connection is available.

They Expect On-the-Go Information

Gone are the days of taking a trip to the library to research important facts and information. Millennials are highly adept at finding answers to their questions by creating targeted online searches. They depend on the instant access of wireless connectivity and are able to leverage technology to gain the ability to work anywhere, anytime. Cloud-based applications offering remote access and instant updates provide adopters of cloud-based computing the information they need instantly, wherever a wireless connection is available.

They Seek Out Jobs with Flexible Work Hours and a Work-Life Balance

Many millennials prefer to take advantage of cloud-based technology in order to work from home, or work flexible hours. Cloud computing gives them access to their work round the clock, at virtually any location. Working within the cloud also allows employees to share information without being physically present in the same office. This benefit has allowed millennials to work offsite, while making and keeping their own schedule.

Small businesses that are ready to update their accounting systems can learn from millennials by adopting cloud-based platforms. Applications such as Kashoo are designed to be user-friendly and to appeal to employees with a wide range of knowledge, from first-timers just dipping their toes into cloud computing, to tech-savvy millennials who are comfortable with today's cutting edge systems.


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