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Appreciating Assets: Proving Workforce Value in Your Company

Jeff Higgins, CEO, Human Capital Management Institute
Jeff Higgins, CEO, Human Capital Management Institute



How can HR leaders persuade financial decision-makers to view the company’s workforce as appreciating capital assets, not cost liabilities? According to Jeff Higgins, a former CFO and HR executive who now leads the Human Capital Management Institute, data is the key that brings HR and Finance together. Hear how HR leaders can convert Finance colleagues into allies by translating workforce data on hiring, retention, productivity and more, showing the value of human capital resources using the language of finance.

Topics include:

1:09 - Why is human capital often measured as a liability?
3:54 - How can HR data improve human valuation?
5:29 - Why HR needs to "dollarize" employee metrics
7:27 - Ask the right questions in finance language
10:50 - Align issues to what drives the business
11:56 - What does HR need to track this data?
13:13 - Once data is in, what do you do with it?
16:40 - Case study: how one company saw results

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Download a full-length eBook from Paychex on using HR data to drive business success.

Interested in bridging the HR-Finance gap at your company? Replay Jeff's webinar, "Using People Analytics to Bridge the HR-Finance Gap."
