Think Smartly About Your Startup, Think Safety Around Your Workplace

Podcast •

Getting solid footing as a startup starts before you ever open your business. CPA and small-business owner Gene Marks says there are four things every person should consider before jumping in where 5 million others did in 2021.
- Surround yourself with the right people (CPA, lawyer, friends with business acumen
- Create a realistic plan and have a forecast in mind
- Have enough money in savings to support your efforts for two years
- Be firmly commitment to making it work and have support from your family
Gene also notes on this week’s episode of the “On the Mark” podcast that, in light of the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding vaccination and testing, that all businesses — startups and the established — should consider how best to make their workplace safe for employees and customers.