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two construction workers looking at a tablet

HR and Payroll for Construction and Skilled Trades

Spending time on HR tasks costs construction and skilled trades businesses an average of $187,161 annually.1 Our solutions can help you fuel job site productivity, worker safety, and back office operational efficiency.


Powerful Solutions for Your Business


Help Prevent Workforce Turnover

A competitive benefits package can be a tool for keeping talented employees.

  • Offering health insurance in combination with retirement planning can help mitigate a turnover in workers
  • Options are available for part-time employees
  • We leverage our purchasing power so you have better access to competitive prices
a full-time employee using his health insurance for an annual checkup

Protect Your Business

For most businesses workers' compensation is mandatory. With a workforce working long hours or physically helping patients, protect your employees if an injury occurs.

Digital W-2 Dashboard on Paychex Flex

Claim Your Savings

Get help finding tax credits that can save your business money.

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for those hiring candidates that face certain barriers to employment
  • Retroactively claim tax credits from the pandemic with our ERTC Service
  • You only pay when we find credits
a small business owner uses hazard insurance to protect physical assets in his bike shop

Simplify the Process

Complete the hiring process from start to finish, all from a single platform.

  • Our applicant tracking system trims paperwork, saving you time
  • Employee data flows from the job application and into payroll for greater accuracy
  • Integrate screening services to hire with confidence
paychex flex hiring and onboarding experience on mobile

Get Help Monitoring Regulations

Our tools can help you confidently navigate legislative changes.

  • Our HR Library stays up to date on employment regulations
  • Produce electronic OSHA reports
  • Get help generating a compliant employee handbook
male welding in a manufacturing factory

Payroll Software for Construction and Skilled Trades

Our payroll solutions can cut down on processing time and integrate with other aspects of your business, like time and attendance or benefits information. With more time, you can manage your job site and workforce more efficiently.

Paychex Flex payroll overview video
Payroll Overview

Get HR Help Where You Need It Most

Fifty-seven percent of construction and skilled trades leaders1 plan to outsource HR administration tasks in the year ahead. The most time-consuming HR tasks, based on the annual average costs, are:

  1. Payroll processing = $23,291
  2. People management = $23,049
  3. Tracking employee hours worked = $21,365
  4. Recruiting and onboarding =$15,459
  5. Benefits administration = $15,066

Let us help you to take HR admin off of your plate.

Paychex Flex mobile app for employers and employees
Manage HR, Payroll, Benefits and More

Skilled Trades Invoice Factoring

Paychex Funding Solutions offers skilled trades companies fast access to growth capital through invoice factoring. We tailor contracts to fit your business needs, helping with payroll, vendor payments, and growth reinvestment.

Access capital locked away in accounts receivable to:

  • Bridge cash flow gaps by unlocking capital from unpaid invoices
  • Access uncapped, flexible funding
  • Get full-service invoice management and support
  • Receive advance rates up to 90% (A/R)
A business owner looking at an invoice on their phone and laptop

Step out of Antiquated Technology and Into a Fully Integrated Platform To Help You Better Manage Your Business, Worker Safety, and More.