Servicios y soluciones de procesamiento de pagos
Así como su empresa es única, también lo son sus necesidades de procesamiento de pagos. Si no acepta tarjetas de crédito, tarjetas de débito u otras formas de pago, como pagos de cámara de compensación automatizada (ACH, por sus siglas en inglés) y cheques electrónicos, podría estar perdiendo una lucrativa base de clientes potenciales. Los consumidores prefieren tener múltiples opciones de pago disponibles, por lo que es importante asegurarse de que su empresa pueda aceptar varias formas de pago fácilmente.
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What You Gain With Payment Processing Services
You get the efficient and easy payment processing you need to fuel your business.
- Soluciones de punto de venta (POS).
- Credit and debit card payment processing
- Processing online payments services
- ACH processing services and eCheck processing
- Optimización del intercambio.
- Precios transparentes.
- Recordatorios de cumplimiento de la PCI.
- Next-day, same-day, and real-time funding options

Credit Card Processing. Paychex Makes It Simple.
Los pagos con tarjeta de crédito son el componente vital de cualquier empresa, pero elegir un proveedor puede llevar mucho tiempo debido a los precios confusos y complejos. Paychex ofrece soluciones con la última tecnología para personalizar su procesamiento de pagos.
- Sin sorpresas
- Sin contratos a largo plazo
- Sin gastos de cancelación
Automated Payment Processing Options
You know your business and its customers, so choosing an automated payment processing service that works the best for both will benefit you in the long run.
Credit Card Payment Processing
Think major credit cards — Discover®, Visa, MasterCard® — and beyond. Serve more of your customers with a system that does more, including accepting EMV chip cards and gift cards. There are even options to add surcharges to credit card payments so you get 100% of the sale. Expand your customer base with dynamic currency conversion, which provides a receipt to international customers with the purchase in U.S. dollars, the conversion rate, and the cardholder’s home currency amount.
Procesamiento de pagos en línea
Clear off counter space at work by making your PC a payment processing terminal. With CardPointe and Converge gateways you can accept credit cards, debit cards, eChecks, and gift cards — and you can do it in person, on the phone, and online. And with our mobile payment processing solution, you can process from iPhone®, iPad®, and Android™ devices.
Procesamiento de pagos ACH
Para sus clientes que deseen pagar sin utilizar cheques en papel o tarjetas de crédito, bríndeles la opción de abonar mediante transferencia bancaria ACH: una forma sencilla y segura de pagar a su empresa. El procesamiento de pagos ACH en línea no solo puede ayudarlo a acceder a una base de clientes más amplia, sino que también puede disfrutar ofreciendo un método de procesamiento de pagos menos costoso que las transacciones de procesamiento de tarjetas de crédito.
eCheck Payment Processing
Process eChecks (also known as electronic, online, or internet checks) fast by converting paper checks into digital payments. Using ACH, eCheck payment processing direct debits from your customer’s checking account into your company’s business bank account, with payments typically clearing within a few business days. It’s safe and secure for your customers, while being a cost-effective payment method for your business.
Sea más productivo con sus POS
Accepting credit card payments is just the start. A modern point of sale (POS) system can help increase efficiency, manage your employees with clock functionality, drive better decisions through data (sales, inventory), and engage with customers through automated emails.

Reasons To Choose Paychex Payment Processing Services
Pricing Transparency Helps You Budget
Usted tiene un presupuesto, y nosotros lo ayudamos a que no se exceda con precios fáciles de entender, tarifas transparentes, sin sorpresas y sin contratos a largo plazo ni cargos por cancelación.

The Right Payment Processing Software Can Make a Difference
We offer a full range of the latest payment processing equipment and software, including integration with QuickBooks® that includes low merchant account rates and can help reduce the risk of keystroke errors.

Compliant and Secure
We can help you avoid fraud and liability with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliance reminders and full tokenization security. Plus, merchants who use our Safe-T™ Security Solutions from Elavon can receive up to $250,000 in financial assistance in the event a card is compromised. These solutions feature a highly effective combination of authentication, encryption, and tokenization technologies that protect cardholder data.

Get Paid Quickly
Take advantage of next-day, same-day, and real-time funding options — without paying higher processing rates. ACH processors let you even set up automated, recurring billing to help increase timely payments for customers who pay for a product or service on an ongoing basis.

Otros servicios para nuevas empresas
Después de abrir un negocio, podría ser la decisión más importante que tome. Es la que determina qué ayuda y soporte desea a medida que inicia su empresa. Paychex ofrece servicios de nuevas empresas y trabaja con miles de compañías todos los días para ayudar a garantizar su éxito.
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el procesamiento de pagos de Paychex
What Is Payment Processing?
What Is Payment Processing?
Payment processing is the automation of transactions between a customer and a business. The most common form of payment methods are credit and debit cards, but ACH, eCheck, gift cards, and other types of payment options are all considered part of what is now known as “payment processing” services, also known as Merchant Services.
How Do Small Businesses Accept Payments?
How Do Small Businesses Accept Payments?
Businesses can accept payments in a variety of ways: credit cards, debit cards, ACH transactions, eChecks, gift cards, and more. They can do this through the use of a Point of Sale (POS) system or by using payment processing software on a computer or mobile device.
How Do I Avoid Credit Card Payment Processing Fees?
How Do I Avoid Credit Card Payment Processing Fees?
Paychex offers a comprehensive surcharging solution that applies a fee to customers using a credit card for their payment, so the business receives 100% of the sale. Also, Intelligent Rate for Government and Education calculates the cost of the card and prices the service fee in proportion to what the transaction will actually cost.
How Safe Are Payment Processing Solutions From Paychex?
How Safe Are Payment Processing Solutions From Paychex?
Paychex provides the latest EMV-ready terminals protected by point-to-point encryption (P2PE). Our payments security solutions can help defend your sensitive card payment information with EMV, encryption, and tokenization that authenticate cardholder identity and make data virtually useless to fraudsters. Utilizing these solutions can help reduce the time spent on PCI-DSS compliance.
Is There a Processing Fee for Debit Cards?
Is There a Processing Fee for Debit Cards?
Like credit cards, there are fees for debit card payment processing. Fees can vary and depend on a variety of factors, including industry, type of debit card, type of debit transaction, and whether a bank is regulated or unregulated.
Is There a Processing Fee for ACH?
Is There a Processing Fee for ACH?
There are ACH online payment processing fees, although they tend to be lower than fees associated with card payments and paper checks. Research suggests that the median cost for initiating and receiving an ACH payment is between $0.26-$0.50 per transaction. Fees will depend on factors such as the size of the transaction, how many transactions a business submits, if the payment is processed the same day, and the bank.
How Can I Accept Credit Card Payments Without a Machine?
How Can I Accept Credit Card Payments Without a Machine?
You can accept credit card payments online through an online payment service provider. You can also use a POS solution to help your business process card payments in person.
How Long Does It Take an eCheck To Clear?
How Long Does It Take an eCheck To Clear?
It typically takes 3-5 business days for funds for an electronic check to go from the consumer’s bank account and be deposited into a merchant’s bank account. Banks will verify payments within 24-48 hours.
What Is the Best Way To Accept Payments Online?
What Is the Best Way To Accept Payments Online?
There are many options available today for businesses of all sizes to accept and process online payments, including popular payment methods such as:
- Credit and debit cards
- eCheck payment processing via ACH
- EMV and chip card solutions