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Wage Growth for U.S. Small Business Employees Remains Consistent in July, While Job Growth Continues to Moderate

July 29, 2024
Wage growth for U.S. small business workers remains at 3.15% in July, unchanged from June.

According to the Paychex Small Business Employment Watch, hourly earnings growth for U.S. workers in businesses with fewer than 50 employees has held steady since May, reporting 3.16% growth in July, and weekly earnings growth remains below three percent for the sixth consecutive month. The Small Business Jobs Index has reported moderate gains on average through the first seven months of 2024.

Read the full news release on the Small Business Employment Watch site.

Tracy Volkmann

Tracy Volkmann

Tracy Volkmann comenzó a trabajar en Paychex en julio de 2014 y actualmente administra las relaciones públicas de la empresa. En este cargo, es responsable de liderar la función de relaciones públicas, proteger la reputación de la empresa e impulsar una cobertura positiva de medios obtenidos para Paychex. Tracy pasó siete años en West Point: se graduó de la Universidad de San Buenaventura y comenzó su carrera en comunicaciones de deporte universitario.


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