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Los indicadores clave de empleo en las pequeñas empresas muestran estabilidad en medio del reciente aumento de casos de COVID-19 en todo Estados Unidos

December 01, 2020
Paychex IHS Small Business Employment Watch Screenshot
El informe de Paychex e IHS Markit muestra leves moderaciones en el crecimiento laboral nacional, las horas semanales trabajadas y el porcentaje de crecimiento salarial anual

The latest IHS Markit Small Business Employment Watch shows that small business hiring remained largely consistent with the prior month, moderating slightly, down 0.03 percent nationally to 94.29. In November, hourly earnings growth stood at 2.76 percent, while weekly hours worked showed a decrease of 0.04 percent year over year.

Read the full news release on the Small Business Employment Watch site.