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Celebrating Women’s History and Work-Life Balance with Jody Stolt

March 08, 2021
Jody Stolt and son

A growing challenge in the workplace, amplified by COVID-19, has been setting boundaries between work and life.

You have a life outside of work, which is why companies have to be committed to providing a flexible responsive workplace that enables all employees to find harmony with their family and personal responsibilities.

I’ve faced that challenge acutely in my own life. The biggest for me was when I had a son who was fully special needs. All of a sudden I had a child who had special hospitalization, special diets, and special daycare. I was the mom, I was the woman. My husband made more money than I did. It was assumed I would stay home and take care of my son. I was fortunate enough that I had a boss who said we’ll make this work.

I learned to work differently. I learned to prioritize and to work at night. I got very detailed. I was able to still grow my career and get to the position I’m at today. My mom taught me to get up and keep going and go after the job I always wanted.

When it comes to building a culture of growth and success, we mean business. Explore what work and life balance is like at Paychex.

Jody Stolt

Jody Stolt

I’m focused on continuously changing and evolving training at Paychex. From designing and implementing Learning & Development strategies to innovative new hire and ongoing learning programs—I tie learning to business results.