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SECURE Act Tax Credit Estimator*

Due to a recently adopted law, you may now be able to claim tax credits for your business when offering retirement plans to your business.

Let's See Your Potential SECURE Act Savings

The interactive calculator and other information on this website, including, without limitation, information derived from using the interactive calculator, are presented for general information purposes only and are not, and should not be considered, financial, legal, tax, accounting, or other advice. You should not consider the interactive calculator or any other information on this website to guarantee any particular outcome or as a substitute for financial, legal, tax, accounting, or other advice in which the facts and circumstances of your company’s particular situation can be considered. We encourage you to consult your own financial, legal, tax, accounting, or other advisors as it pertains to your company’s own unique situation and to obtain answers to any questions you may have. Paychex shall not be responsible or liable for any action, position, or reliance based on or in connection with the interactive estimator or any information contained herein.

Simplify Your Retirement Plan Management

  • Flexible 401(k) plan and investment options
  • Seamless payroll integration
  • Fee transparency
  • And more
woman looking at her smartphone and retirement dashboard screenshot overlapped

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