FSA Calculator: Estimate Your Healthcare Savings and Tax Benefits
You can save on federal, state, and local taxes for many medical and dependent care expenses when you put pre-tax dollars into your flexible spending account (FSA). In fact, FSA participants save an average of up to 40 percent each year on many out-of-pocket expenses.*
Please note that eligible expenses will be reimbursed in full up to $3,300 (2025) for medical expenses per plan year, and $5,000 for dependent care expenses per plan year. Any unused money at the end of the plan year will be forfeited. To avoid this, use the calculator below to base your dependent care or medical FSA contributions on an estimate of qualifying expenses that you and your family will have throughout the year.
How To Use the FSA Calculator
Under the “Your Information” section input your annual salary.
Under the “Medical Expenses” and “Dependent Care Expenses” sections input the actual or expected costs for care and medical expenses.
Your Information
Medical Expenses
Please refer to our full list of health FSA-eligible expenses when making your calculations.
Dependent Care Expenses
Please refer to our full list of dependent care expenses when making your calculations.
What Is a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for themselves, their spouse, and eligible dependents.
These account-based plans are voluntary, and employers can make contributions on top of employees' pre-tax contributions.
Benefits of an FSA for Healthcare and Dependent Care Expenses
A Medical FSA can cover eligible expenses such as: co-pays, prescription medicines, over-the-counter medications, vision care, and dental work.
If an employee chooses to, they can use a dependent care FSA to save funds in a tax-advantaged account to pay for expenses related to care for a child under the age of thirteen or an adult dependent who is unable to care for themselves.
Qualifying dependent care expenses include the cost of certain adult or child day care, preschool tuition, in-home caregiving, or day camp.
Maximizing Your Tax Savings With an FSA
Employees can maximize their savings by contributing an accurate amount to their FSA. By utilizing tools like this FSA calculator, employees can make sure they are contributing an amount accurate to their actual expenses.
FSAs have a carryover limit for unused amounts. If an employee does not fully utilize the amount they contributed to their account, they may actually lose money if the remaining amount surpasses the carryover limit.
Frequently Asked Questions About FSA Contributions and Savings
Are FSAs Mandatory?
No, FSAs are a voluntary plan that an employee can choose to contribute to. Employers can also choose to make contributions to employee FSAs as an incentive.
How Much Can I Save in an FSA?
Enrolled employees can contribute up to an
annual maximum of $3,300 in 2025.
The information in this estimator should not be considered legal or accounting advice and it should not substitute for legal, accounting, and other professional advice. The estimated tax savings amount above is not a guarantee and is provided for informational purposes only. The actual tax savings may change depending on state, local, and other applicable taxes. Calculations are based on single filing. This estimator accounts for annual limits on FSAs, which are $3,300 (2025) for medical expenses per plan year, and $5,000 for dependent care expenses per plan year. After this limit is reached, expenses are not reimbursed. If you require legal or accounting advice, or need other professional assistance, you should always consult your attorney, accountant, or other professional advisor to discuss your particular facts, circumstances, and business needs.
* Based on an average annual employee FSA contribution of $1,500. Specific savings depend on a participant's federal tax bracket and state and local tax rates.