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Small Business Employee Benefit Packages and Why They Matter

  • Employee Benefits
  • Article
  • 6 min. Read
  • Last Updated: 05/30/2024

Small business employees that have a benefits package that focuses on total wellness

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Small business benefits, from traditional to creative, are strategic tools that can help your business stand out among competitors and demonstrate how well you care for your employees.

Employers should not underestimate the importance of employee benefits for small businesses. A typical small business employee benefits package that focuses on employees' needs while following current benefits trends, when added to a competitive salary, can attract qualified job candidates and encourage top talent to stick around, helping to ensure the longevity of your business.

For example, total wellness benefits have emerged as a popular employee benefit in recent years. With 2 in 5 employees experiencing some combination of stress, performance issues, and mental health conditions, employers are going beyond traditional health plan benefits by offering benefits that support the whole person, such as mental health benefits, lifestyle education programs, biometric screenings, or employee assistance programs.

These benefits are particularly effective in recruiting and retaining young talent, such as Generation Z. In a 2022 Paychex study, this generation of employees cited mental health benefits as a desired benefit, just under compensation, that would increase their likelihood to stay at a company.

Curious about another way to attract Gen Z? Offer them a professional development path, giving them the skills to grow with your company. Upskilling, reskilling, and professional development not only help younger workers but also promote your business, allowing you to stay competitive while demonstrating your commitment to your employees' career progression.

What should you consider when building a small business employee benefits program? Here are some questions to guide you through the process:

Do Small Businesses Have To Provide Benefits to Their Employees?

Some employee benefits are legally mandated by local, state or federal laws. As a result, small businesses must provide certain benefits to workers.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the cost of these mandatory benefits is a portion of a worker's hourly wage. As of June 2022, the median cost to businesses of private sector employees was $2.93 for every hour worked.

All employers, regardless of size, must provide the following benefits to employees.

Social Security and Medicare

Social Security and Medicare are mandatory entitlements funded by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), a federal payroll tax. These benefits provide certain retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to older Americans, disabled individuals, and children.

Social Security benefits are based on an employee's lifetime earnings record and provide retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Medicare supports the federal health insurance program for individuals over age 65.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' compensation insurance is a safety net that provides financial support to employees who become injured or ill as a direct result of their job. Subject to some exceptions, workers’ compensation insurance is generally required for all employers, regardless of size.

Unemployment Insurance

Through unemployment insurance, qualified full-time and part-time workers receive financial protection in the form of income for a limited period of time when they are let go due to mergers, layoffs, or termination without substantial proof of cause. Employers contribute to unemployment insurance through federal and state payroll taxes.

Other Size-Dependent Health Benefits

Depending on the size of your small business, you may have to provide certain health-related benefits, such as those under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Under COBRA, employers with 20 or more employees must provide continued health coverage to employees and their families if their employment ends or they experience a "qualified event," such as a divorce or birth of a child. COBRA coverage can last between 18 and 36 months, depending on the situation. Small employers should keep in mind that some states provide continued health coverage—often called "mini-COBRA"—for employers with fewer than 20 employees.

You may notice that health benefits are not part of this mandatory employee benefits list. Are small businesses required to provide health insurance?

Applicable large employers (ALEs) must offer affordable and adequate health insurance coverage to full-time employees and their dependents or risk a potential assessment if at least one full-time employee receives a premium tax credit. These are companies which in general have an average of 50 or more full-time employees, including full-time equivalents, in the previous calendar year. No such requirements exist for health benefits for small businesses, which are not ALEs.

So, when should a small business offer health benefits? The answer varies for each business, but health benefits should be provided by every employer, no matter the size, who wants to attract top, dedicated talent and cares about their employees' overall health and well-being. Fortunately, several affordable health benefit options are available to small employers that can help you keep your employees happy, healthy, and productive.

Why Is It Important for Small Businesses To Offer Employee Benefits?

Offering employee benefits is an essential strategic tool, helping you attract and retain top talent, improve worker productivity, and create a healthy workforce. Implementing new employee benefits strategies is a top HR challenge for attracting and retaining top talent, according to Paychex's 2024 Priorities for Business Leaders Report.

Understanding employee benefits trends is critical to offering your employees the benefits they want. Offering hybrid schedules, career development programs, wellness programs, and mental health support can increase employee engagement and happiness while improving workers' overall health.

Your business benefits package signifies your investment in your employees' future.

What Does a Basic Benefits Package Include?

A typical benefits package for small businesses can include health insurancedental and vision coverage, paid time off, a retirement plana flexible spending account, and a health savings account/health reimbursement arrangement.

Other benefit offerings may include life insurance and disability coverage. Five states, including California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island, plus Puerto Rico, require that employers provide short-term disability insurance to employees.

Finally, although mandated by federal and state law, Social Security entitlements, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance taxes must be provided.

What Benefits Can a Small Business Offer?

Many small businesses offer standard benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. However, to distinguish your business from your competition while appealing to different generations in the workplace, you should expand your employee benefit package.

Here is a comprehensive list of some employee benefits for your small business.

Health Benefits

Not only can healthcare costs create financial anxiety among workers, but businesses lose money and productivity when employees are sick or managing a chronic health condition.

  • Group health insurance plans: Safeguard the health of your workers and their dependents by giving them much-needed access to more affordable healthcare. These plans also come with tax savings for your business and can be a powerful recruitment tool.
  • Medical flexible spending account (FSA): Pretax contributions to an employer-owned account give employees funds for qualified healthcare-related costs. Employers and employees can contribute to this account and enjoy tax savings.
  • Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA): Fully owned and funded by the employer, this account also gives employees access to funds for qualified healthcare expenses. This account also comes with tax savings benefits.
  • Health savings account (HSA): Like an FSA and HRA, HSAs give employees access to pretax funds that can be used for qualified medical expenses. Both employers and employees can contribute. The key difference between an HSA vs. HRAs and FSAs is that an HSA is an employee-owned investment account that accrues tax-free interest.

Financial Health Benefits

When employees fret over finances due to today's high cost of living, they are likely to come to work filled with anxiety and be distracted, making them less engaged and productive. Chronic anxiety can also increase their risk for physical and mental health issues.

  • Retirement accounts: Give employees the ability to make pretax contributions to a retirement account, like a 401(k), and reap the benefits of compounding interest. Consider making a matching contribution to help workers achieve their savings goals. HSAs can also serve as a vehicle for retirement savings.
  • Annual pay raises: Reduce the impact of inflation on your employees' financial health by implementing a system that provides regular cost of living adjustments in addition to any annual performance-related increases they may receive.
  • Financial education: Financial wellness includes understanding how to manage finances. Classes and workshops in money management can empower employees to make smart decisions with their funds and give them lifelong skills for better financial fitness.
  • Tuition and student loan assistance: Many college-educated employees are burdened with student debt. A benefit that helps with student loan repayments can make your business look more attractive to many Generation Z, millennial, and even Generation X workers. Another variation is to provide a tuition reimbursement program to help employees further their education.
  • Equity compensation: Many employers now allow employees to purchase a portion of the company through discounted stock or stock options. Doing so gives employees a personal stake in the business, encouraging them to boost performance and outcomes. This equity compensation is typically part of the employee's overall compensation and benefits package, allowing companies to provide another financial health benefit to their team.

Mental Health Benefits

Creativity, engagement, productivity, and even physical health can all take a hit when a worker is suffering from chronic or acute mental health issues. These can arise from feeling overwhelmed in the workplace or at home.

  • Employee assistance program (EAP): An EAP gives employees confidential, 24/7 access to trained professionals and counselors who can help them and their dependents with a variety of life's stressors – anything from parenting teenagers to relationship issues to anxiety or dependency.
  • Employee resource groups (ERGs): Giving employees a chance to bond or learn more about shared interests, characteristics, and experiences can help create a culture of acceptance, respect, and inclusion within your business.
  • Social perks: Socializing with other employees and bonding over shared experiences can help workers feel connected and part of a community. Such activities can also increase resiliency against depression and feeling isolated.
  • Flexible work schedules: Balancing home and work obligations in today's demanding world can deplete an employee's time and energy, leading to burnout. Choices in flexible and hybrid work schedules allow employees to juggle work and home responsibilities more equally.
  • Wellness programs: Encouraging behaviors that improve physical and mental health, either through classes, inclusive group challenges, or incentives, can create a sense of teamwork and accomplishment, all while helping lower healthcare expenses for employees and businesses.

Fringe Benefits

Additional small business employee benefits in the form of cash, cash equivalents, or services are all considered fringe benefits and can help strengthen worker loyalty. Many of these are ideal benefits for small businesses because they are often relatively affordable.

  • Dental and vision: Healthcare plans typically do not cover dental or vision costs, yet both are integral to overall wellness.
  • Life insurance: Give employees peace of mind that in the event of the unthinkable, their dependents will have a financial safety net.
  • Dependent care flexible savings account: Childcare and eldercare expenses can overwhelm a worker's monthly budget. Like a medical FSA, a dependent care FSA lets an employee set aside pretax earnings for qualified care expenses, thus reducing their annual tax obligation.
  • Gift cards: Gift cards to places like restaurants, grocery stores, and gas stations are a way to recognize a job well done and can go a long way toward validating a worker's contribution while putting a little extra money in their pocket. Take care to be equitable in using gift cards to avoid having some staff members feel overlooked and forgotten.
  • Paid volunteer days: Many workers want to contribute their time to a meaningful organization but lack the time or money to do so. A paid volunteer day lets them know your business cares about giving back to the community and lets employees fulfill a greater sense of purpose.
  • Memberships and passes: Passes to museums, sports events, public transportation, or even a gym membership are all extras that can help your employees enjoy life while they're off the clock.

What Benefits Can Set My Company Apart From Competitors?

Going beyond a basic benefits package for employees can help set you apart from your competitors. Research and determine what other employers in similar industries offer their employees — perhaps the local Chamber of Commerce or a local HR association can provide benefits survey results for your local area.

Additionally, your benefits brokers, advisors, and tax professionals are reliable resources, providing insight into "what everybody else is doing." Talking to your employees – individually, in small groups, or through confidential surveys – can also help you understand which benefits they value. Once you know what your employees want, you can plan affordable ways to offer some or all of those benefits.

For example, you can establish a SIMPLE individual retirement arrangement (SIRA) or 401(k) plan. In the case of health coverage, you can set up a high-deductible health plan and fund a portion of the deductible through a health reimbursement arrangement.

If you're thinking about offering or expanding your small business employee benefits package, consider what's most important to your workforce. Add in tax savings for your small business? That's a win-win.

How Much Do Benefits Cost for a Small Business?

When offering expanding benefits, small business employee benefits costs are often a concern. However, they don't have to be.

Many benefits don't cost small businesses anything, while others may only have certain associated administrative costs. For example, a flexible spending account for dependent care expenses, dental insurance, or vision benefits can be solely funded by the employee. The employer will only be responsible for any administrative costs to help run the programs. Depending on the size of your business, you may also be eligible for a small business healthcare tax credit if you offer healthcare to employees. These tax credits are typically only available from group health plans bought on the ACA Group Marketplace.

Many benefits can be affordable for small businesses. According to a 2024 Bureau of Labor Statistics news release, benefits costs in December of 2023 averaged $12.44 per hour worked in services industries and $14.44 per hour worked in goods-producing industries. For paid leave (including vacation, sick, holiday, and personal leave), these costs averaged $3.34 per hour worked in services industries and $2.82 per hour worked in goods-producing industries.

Here are some other examples from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the employer's cost per hour worked for private industry employees:

  • Life insurance: $0.05
  • Health insurance: $2.94
  • Short-term disability: $0.10
  • Long-term disability: $0.05
  • Defined contribution retirement plans (like a 401(k) plan): $1.07
  • Social Security and Medicare: $2.57
  • Federal unemployment insurance: $0.03
  • Workers' compensation: $0.43
  • Paid leave: $3.26

When broken down like this, small business employers are often surprised at how affordable employee benefits can be. With the costs of employee benefits for small businesses having a minimal impact on your bottom line, these benefits can significantly impact your employee's engagement and satisfaction.

Small Business Benefits Cost Management

To minimize costs associated with your small business employee benefits program, consider non-traditional benefits, such as flex scheduling, employee assistance programs, or telecommuting. You can also include low-cost benefits such as paid time off enhancements, free meals, or rewards for a job well done (like gift cards for a local coffee house, gas station, and others) to incentivize employees.

Here are some other small business benefits strategies to help you get the most bang for your buck:

  • Purchase multiple lines of insurance coverage from a single provider, such as health, dental, and vision benefits, which could potentially provide you with discounted benefits packages.
  • Offer voluntary benefits, such as wellness and employee assistance programs, empowering your employees to take charge of their health.
  • Provide partially or fully employee-funded benefits, such as high-deductible health insurance plans and health savings accounts (HSAs), allowing you to offer more expensive benefits. Even with employees chipping in on the cost, they still receive a more affordable benefit through their employer than they could secure on their own.
  • Continually educate your employees on the benefits you offer so they use them to the fullest. After all, you don't want to provide benefits that employees don't use.
  • Work with a professional insurance or benefits broker or advisor, helping you identify the benefits you need while staying within your budget.

How To Offer Benefits as a Small Business

You may wonder how a small business can offer benefits that compete with larger corporations. Making strategic choices that personalize your offerings to your employees' needs can help you develop a benefits package that supports your brand and business objectives.

Seeking assistance from a third-party HR services provider can help you organize the most comprehensive and advantageous benefits package. With a reputable, outsourced benefits provider like Paychex, you can save time, money, and headaches by reducing administrative overhead and the associated potential risk of errors, all while staying ahead of ever-changing state and federal regulations. See Paychex's employee benefits package options and discover how you can offer more to your employees than you may have thought possible. Your business and your workers will be glad you did.

Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business Employee Benefits Packages

  • How Do I Show Employees the Value of the Benefits I’m Offering?

    How Do I Show Employees the Value of the Benefits I’m Offering?

    Create and distribute a total compensation summary for each employee. These statements illustrate, in dollars and cents, the value of the employee's salary and the employer's contribution toward mandatory and voluntary benefits. Seeing these figures in black and white can help employees understand the real value of these benefits.

    If you've previously offered benefits and are changing or updating your benefits package, develop a communication plan for delivering this information that includes any required legal notices you must provide. A well-thought-out communication strategy ensures that employees thoroughly understand the reason for the changes, the impact of new and updated benefits offered, and where to go for additional information or questions.

  • How Can I Minimize the Work Involved in Managing an Employee Benefits Program?

    How Can I Minimize the Work Involved in Managing an Employee Benefits Program?

    Technology now makes it possible to integrate benefits administration with your payroll processing. While offering a benefits package is essential to your business, it doesn't need to add administrative burden onto your HR team. Solutions like Paychex Flex® can handle the heavy lifting while still allowing you to do what you do best — run a successful business.

  • What Benefits Do Most Small Businesses Offer?

    What Benefits Do Most Small Businesses Offer?

    Standard small business employee benefits include health, dental, vision, short-term disability, long-term disability, retirement, and paid time off. However, you may want to think out of the box to attract the top talent in your industry by offering some creative benefits.

  • What Are Some Creative Benefits?

    What Are Some Creative Benefits?

    Here are some creative benefits that can get you thinking about your benefits strategy:

    • Medical flexible spending account (FSA)
    • Health reimbursement arrangement (HRA)
    • Health savings account (HSA)
    • Wellness benefits
    • Employer assistance programs
    • Identity theft protection
    • Student loan assistance
    • Family perks
    • Flexible schedules
    • Peer recognition 
    • Employee resource groups
    • Financial education
    • Discounted gym memberships
    • Paid volunteer days
  • How Do I Set Up Benefits for My Small Business?

    How Do I Set Up Benefits for My Small Business?

    To create your small business employee benefits package, follow these steps:

    • Create your annual budget.
    • Explore the benefits you want to offer (through industry research and employee surveys).
    • Shop your benefits (with the help of an HR or insurance consultant)
    • Educate your employees on their total compensation (salary plus benefits), helping you to attract and retain qualified talent.
    • Seek support. Engage professionals to help you administer your benefits year-round.


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* This content is for educational purposes only, is not intended to provide specific legal advice, and should not be used as a substitute for the legal advice of a qualified attorney or other professional. The information may not reflect the most current legal developments, may be changed without notice and is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or up-to-date.

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