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Please make sure you watch the recording until it ends to receive your SHRM and HRCI credit codes.

Approved Recertification Provider

SHRM Credit: This program is valid for 1 PDC toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.

HRCI General Credit: Paychex is a recognized provider of recertification credits. HR Certification institute® (HRCI®) pre-approved this program for 1 HR (General) credit hour towards aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification.

Watch the webinar:

How the Right Technology Can Help HR Step Up to Lead Change

The year 2020 has challenged HR leaders like never before. They have had to respond to the many complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also fueling efficiency, building culture and managing teams. Technology has played a major role in helping HR leaders adapt and overcome workplace challenges.

In this webinar, we’ll review the findings of the 2020 Paychex Pulse of HR Survey and uncover emerging HR technology trends.

We’ll discuss:

  • The top priorities of HR leaders in 2020
  • The challenges of the COVID-19 workplace
  • Areas of technology investment

We’ll also cover some general principles gleaned from the survey, such as the importance of culture, the use of analytics, and the future of HR.

In short, this virtual event will provide a snapshot of today’s HR tech stack and current HR trends, challenges, and opportunities in an unprecedented era where this is no rule book.

* This content is for educational purposes only, is not intended to provide specific legal advice, and should not be used as a substitute for the legal advice of a qualified attorney or other professional. The information may not reflect the most current legal developments, may be changed without notice and is not guaranteed to be complete, correct, or up-to-date.