El Índice de Empleo de Pequeñas Empresas IHS de Paychex mantiene un desempeño positivo a pesar de la reciente desaceleración del crecimiento del empleo en pequeñas empresas
The Paychex | IHS Small Business Jobs Index decreased in October, moving from 100.44 to 100.34. Although small business employment remains positive, with an index level above 100, the national index has moderated, declining 0.31 percent in the last quarter and 0.49 percent over the past year. The Mountain region was once again the top-performing regional index. Washington rose to the top spot among states, followed by Texas and Georgia, all with index levels at 102 or higher. Dallas continues as the top-ranked metro area by a wide margin. Other Services (except Public Administration)*, as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ranks as the top industry sector for small business employment growth at 104.21. The Construction industry ranks second with an index above 101 for more than four years.
To read the full news release, visit the Paychex | IHS Small Business Jobs Index website.